Evangelizing in the Workplace

Evangelizing in the Workplace

Mar 15, 2023


Sharing your faith in the workplace can be tricky, as there are often company policies in place that prohibit religious activities. However, there are still ways to evangelize without breaking any rules or making coworkers uncomfortable. As followers of Christ, we are called to live out our faith in all aspects of our lives, including our work. Therefore, demonstrating respect, love, and kindness at work is critical. Believe it or not, these simple acts can open the door for conversations about your beliefs as you let your light so shine before others so that they may see your good works and glorify our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). 

It is essential to be mindful of respecting company policies. There usually are regulations against any activities that could be interpreted as coercion or harassment. This may include giving religious material to coworkers as well as constantly inviting them to church events. I recommend using methods where your coworker initiates the questions, and you respond. For example, someone may ask about your weekend. You can then tell them about the wonderful activities that took place at church. Someone might be in a situation and ask you for personal advice. Then you can then tell them about how you would respond according to your faith. 

To share your faith, always be ready to listen to others and show empathy. Taking the time to understand and validate other people’s perspectives can make them more open to hearing about your faith, as this is another simple act that demonstrates the compassion and love of Christ.

Most of all, it is essential to use discretion when sharing your faith. It is vital to be respectful of other people’s beliefs. Please be mindful of your tone and language when discussing your belief.

To further guide you in evangelizing in the workplace, the book "God@Work" by Rich Marshall offers practical advice and Biblical insights for integrating faith and work. It provides strategies for sharing your faith respectfully and effectively while respecting company policies. The book gives excellent tips for building genuine relationships with coworkers.

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