Overcome Excuses: Share the Love

Overcome Excuses: Share the Love

Mar 26, 2023

As Christians, we often find ourselves making excuses for why we are not sharing the gospel. Is it because of a lack of love?

Most people report they feel intimidated by the thought of evangelism, or we may believe that we are not equipped enough to share our faith with other people. In Chapter 4 of his book, "Stop Witnessing... and Start Loving," Paul Borthwick challenges us to "rebuke our excuses" and take action in sharing the love of Jesus Christ.

One common excuse Christians use is that they don't know enough about the Bible to effectively share the gospel. While having a good understanding of scripture can be helpful in sharing our faith, it is not a requirement for evangelism. The book encourages us to focus on sharing our own personal stories of how God has worked in our lives rather than trying to impress others with our knowledge of the Bible.  By sharing our own experiences of God's love, mercy, and grace, we can help others to see the power of the gospel and how God may have been working in their own lives.

Another excuse Christians may use is that they don't have the right personality or gifts for evangelism. Many people say that evangelism is not their gift. I actually address this belief in my book, Witnessing Without Worry. However, Borthwick reminds us that evangelism is not reserved for extroverts or charismatic speakers. In fact, the most effective evangelists are often those who are simply willing to be obedient to God's call and share His love in practical ways. Whether it's through acts of kindness, volunteering in our communities, or simply being a listening ear for someone in need, we can all find ways to share the love of Christ with those around us.

Perhaps the most common excuse Christians use for not sharing the gospel is fear. Some are afraid of being rejected or ridiculed. However, Borthwick reminds us that fear is not from God. Instead, we can trust in God's power and guidance as we step out on faith to share His love with the world. By praying for boldness and relying on the Holy Spirit, we can overcome our fears and be effective witnesses for Christ.

If we truly desire to share the gospel with others and see the lives around us transformed by the love of Christ, we must be willing to "rebuke our excuses" and take action.

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